Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mui Wo Ideas for Buisnesses

  • 4. Rural Farm Community
  • 3. Gastro Tour with Hotel Stay
  • 5. Heritage Hotel, Boutique Hotel
  • 2. Olympic Trail w/ Overnight Stay in Mui Wo
  • 1. Watersports - Good for Kids - Overnight stay in Hotel near with deal.
  • 6. School - Tours w/ stay in Hotel nearby

Our definition of Sustainable Development

Where a building development can have environmentally friendly features that also are economic for the people buying and aso gives us a fair amount of money. It also is good for the social being of others.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development kids

There are various definitions and debates to the definition of sustainability among leaders in the field. However in general, they all have to do with:
  • The concept of living within our limits
  • Understanding the interconnections among economies, society, and the environment
  • Providing equitable distribution of resources and opportunities

Sustainable Develepment


Sustainable development, according to one definition, demands that we seek ways of living, working and being that enable all people of the world to lead healthy, fulfilling, and economically secure lives without destroying the environment and without endangering the future social welfare of people and the planet.

Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable development, according to the World Commission on Environment and Development, is :-
"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." ["Our Common Future", 1987]
In Hong Kong, the Chief Executive made it clear in his 1999 Policy Address our endeavour to building Hong Kong into a world-class city and making Hong Kong a clean, comfortable and pleasant home would require a fundamental change of mindset. Every citizen, every business, every Government Department and Bureau needs to start working in partnership to achieve sustainable development. In simple terms, sustainable development for Hong Kong means:
finding ways to increase prosperity and improve the quality of life while reducing overall pollution and waste;
meeting our own needs and aspirations without doing damage to the prospects of future generations; and
reducing the environmental burden we put on our neighbours and helping to preserve common resources. ("1999 Policy Address")
In other words, the concept of sustainable development requires a change of mindset to bring about full integration of the needs for economic and social development with that to conserve the environment. It also requires the Government and all sectors of the community to work hand in hand in order to achieve a sustainable future for Hong Kong.

Pictures of Mui Wo

This picture shows
Mui Wo playground and
the swimming pool but the
playground is actually

covered by a black cloud!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Silver Mine Bay

A picture of the Silver Mine Bay a good place to set the event of "Water sports"